Gas Shoes How Do You Get Rid Of Gas Smells Out Of Shoes And Clothes?

How do you get rid of gas smells out of shoes and clothes? - gas shoes

My son has gas in it. Today, his suits and shoes is one smell gas. Is there a way to get rid of it the smell? How do I remove the smell?

To say you did not answer whether it is wise or burn.
I'm looking for serious answers please


yummyyam... said...

Febreze 1)
2) vinegar, baking soda and Mistolin / scented all purpose cleaner (in equal parts)
3) the use of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda (same thing)
4) Use only water, alcohol or vodka, vanilla / almond extract (1 pitcher per 1 / 2 cup 3 tbsp. Each), washing, and the use Lestoil.

whatever... said...

Just use fabric softener and washing


U can try to wash and remove, and drag and let the sun can penetrate, and more than likely will smell it. May u should do a little especailly on clothes that do not have any shoes so discouraged, but the sun and the smell of them.

mature1 said...


mature1 said...


frigon_p said...

Ordinary clothes, and they should be good.

Suzy-Q said...

I try to put vinegar in the washing machine with them, but then Probally to a second washing step semll not only as vinegar

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